So, it never ceases to amaze me how it took until just a few years ago for The Tipping Point to be published. I mean, I love Malcom Gladwell and all, but why did it take so long for that concept to become a book.
Everything's gonig along like normal life, until.... that one thing hits the scale and..... well, tips it. And suddenly life becomes something totally different.
It happend here in Candice-land not too long ago, and things haven't stopped changing since. It seems every day requires a new set of standards to get by, and even they are constantly evolving. It's like when you're a little kid at the beach, and every time a wave comes in the look of the sand changes. You try to build your little wall, or castle, or write your name in the wet sand, and then...... crash, the wave comes and changes things. As adults I think we all too often become immune to the change. We build our walls strong enough to withstand the force of the waves, and go about our lives with tunnel vision, refusing to see the changes around us.
Well, I accidentally tore down my walls (to one person anyway), and my tunnel vision goggles got lost in the garage. Now I'm bombarded every day with the ever changing design of life.
I'm not complaining, mind you.... it just takes a while to go back to that little kid experience at the beach, where every wave brought something new and exciting; you couldn't wait to see what would be left after each wave.
Now, some of these changes I'd like to throw out the window for good, but I can't do that. I just have to wait them out - and I'm convinced I can do that. Other changes I'd like to hog tie down and keep them forever, but I can't do that either. Change is like dandilion fluff on the breeze, impossible to hold onto. It's meant to be enjoyed whilst in motion.
I'm in an interesting place in life, yet another new beginning. My poor Phoenix; seems she barely gets her tail feathers back before she's ignitied in flame yet again.
I'm pretty damn lucky though. I've got some incredible friends around me, who I know aren't going anywhere. It's funny though, they aren't necessairly the friends I would have guessed would be here if you'd asked me a year ago, but I wouldn't choose any other ones if you paid me. I'm back in school, yet still have the teaching componant attached (to quasi-adults).
But, yah, life is funny, and at the end of the day, all you can do is laugh......... Danny Kaye style.
Ugh, so broody this one is....... guess it's just the day.
Until next time - peace, hope, and love to you always
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