I’m no good in the summer. It’s too hot, too smoggy here in Riverside, it gives me a constant headache for weeks at a time. I’ve never been a desert or river rat, I’m so white that I go from white to red in the blink of an eye. Also, having the summer off from school leaves me with nothing to do. I was thrilled when Serrano switched from traditional to year round school because those 3 months were too long for me to be off all at once. I’m easily bored with no task at hand, which leads me to sit around doing nothing (usually being too broke to go gallivanting around), which leads me to moping, which leads to depression, which leads to bad bad things.
So, year round school saved me from summers of misery…. But now, here I am, 36 faced with a whole empty summer ahead of me.
I'd love to be able to go to baseball games galore, but that's not feasible. I could spend time down in the SD, but that's not really practical. There are a ton of projects I could work on, but then it feels like I'm spending too much time around the house... which could be a problem. I do need to orgainze my office area, but that requires either a cool-ish day or running the AC which means a higher electric bill... however, it simply must be done. Well, that's one day.
You have to understand, most of my friends work regular monday to friday jobs, and most of them have families that they spend their evenings with... I'm the oddball who suddenly finds herself with a summer vacation.
Looking back there is a clear solution.... I should have signed up for summer school. *sigh* now I know for next year!