I logged on planning to write a thoughtful blog about changes in life, and how a small thing can make a big difference.
However, I was suddenly set upon by a net of anger, resentment, bitterness, and contempt. Very thinly veiled contempt.
Things happen in life, that's what makes life what it is. These things, these events in themselves are neither positive nor negative, they just are. It is only how we react to them that colors them one way or another.
Yes, some things have happened as of late. They came out of a bad situation, but I have chosen to look at them as an altogether positive change in my life, and the life of another involved. I have found happiness and joy in the past month, and feel much more like my old self than I have in a while. I haven't taken a sleeping pill for weeks, and I wake up every day with a positive outlook. Has the change made things necessairly easier? No, change seldom does. But has it all been worth it? I can only speak for myself, but I say absolutely.
Others have chosen to respond with anger, resentment, passive agressive behaviors, and childish remarks. They have decided to be petty, and act in what I would call a childish fashion. That is their choice. I don't know what they hope to gain from such behavior, because things are never going to go back to the way they were, and such behavior makes it even more difficult for me to deal with the behavior and the person. Instead of drawing people closer together, such a reaction is only driving me farther away. The obvious scorn in one's voice, the sighing and rolling of eyes.... we are all adults, and should be above such childish reactions, but, it would seem some are not.
On paper it is easy to say that I choose to not let such behaviors affect me, but in reality, it is more difficult to do so. It does affect me. Does it make me want to run back to the way things were before the event of change? Hell no, it makes me want to grab the change and run far ahead, away from the way things used to be.
Things are as they are now, and they're not changing again for as far ahead as I can see. We all must come to terms with that. I have, and I'm happier for it. Others need to do the same.